Sizzling Sunrise

Sizzling Sunrise
As the Valley awakens to a bright new morning...

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Thoughts for today...

Here goes my very first real blog...

I am a single lady who is starting new chapters in my life. I have been spending lots of time exploring my new home state of Montana. I transplanted here from Muskogee Oklahoma in April 2010. The more I experience the more I find to love. I have also recently begun a new and very exciting hobby of "Nature Photography" - they say a picture is worth a thousand words. I guess I am lucky enough to capture volumes then. Being a hopeless romantic I find such pleasure in nature. The Lord has given us so many beautiful sights to enjoy if only we can slow down our busy lives to fully appreciate them and give thanks for His amazing creations. I try to spend time each day to enjoy something new outside. It is so amazing what one can see if they just look around! From the very moment I drove into this valley surrounded by such beauty, I have fallen under the spell of Kalispell. There are not adequate words to describe the emotional waves as I face each direction taking it all in.

I will be posting new blogs with pictures each week for all to enjoy. I look forward to reading your comments. I will see you again soon. God Bless...

1 comment:

  1. BJ,

    There will never come a time where a lack of subject matter thwarts your efforts to capture the world around you. You have talent to explore and a world with which to share it.

    Good luck in your new future.

