As I sit and read many posts on social sites this frigid morning I am appalled to read that in the middle of our country, a family who is burying their child is being tormented by a "Church Group" that is picketing the funeral! How on earth can the human race, especially a group calling themselves Christian, be so cruel? How can another human being stoop so low? Has our society become so self-absorbed, blaming anyone & everyone for anything, not taking any responsibility, and forgetting the Ten Commandments? We are supposed to love one another, help one another, be merciful and kind!
It breaks my heart to see people act like this at a time when our world is in such chaos. This same group of folks also picketed a Military funeral. Opposing the war is one thing but at least be respectful enough to allow a family to lay their loved one to rest in peace. Has the human race become so hateful and corrupt that it can no longer show kindness or respect? In my opinion, Satan seems to be winning the human race....
Please share your thoughts today as we all prepare to give thanks for all of our many blessings. As we sit around the Thanksgiving table this year, please try to think of others who are hungry, cold, lonely or away from their loved ones. Take a vow to be more kind to one another and help those less fortunate. It will greatly enrich your life!
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