Sizzling Sunrise

Sizzling Sunrise
As the Valley awakens to a bright new morning...

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Long Time no see!

   WOW, seems like I have really neglected this blog, a whole year has passed since I last updated.  I will try to find time to be a bit more diligent about updating in the future.  LOL  As for what I've been up to...

    I'm now attending Flathead Valley Community College, chasing a degree in Graphic Design with the intent of working as an independent, freelance designer.  I am also proud to say that my positive attitude and hard work have paid-off BIG TIME!  I'm being inducted into the International Honors Society:  Phi Theta Kappa.  This is a major big deal for me because most of my "school years" I was known for being a real screw-up and never got good grades except in the arts.  Go figure huh?  So you can imagine how thrilled I am to get this honor.

    Going to college at an older age is quite the challenge.  I wasn't sure if I could handle it but was determined to at least give it my best shot - I'm now in my third semester and am loving it!  I do carry a very heavy load and am buried in homework most of the time but the experience and hopes of a much brighter future are worth the efforts.  I've made some new friends, learned some great new skills and am well on my way to success!!!

    The photography end of things has also grown.  I still take a little time to shoot new images and I do share them on Facebook so look for BJJones Photography there and have a look, click a "LIKE" and enjoy.  I haven't had any recent adventures but plan to take time this summer to seek out new territory and do some soothing of my inner self.  One must take time to stop, breathe deep and quiet the mind.  I tend to be rather spontaneous regarding adventure destinations.  I'll let you know when the time comes (he, he, ha, ha).

    I am also working on ideas for book cover designs.  It's one of the freelance ventures that I wish to pursue.  Do YOU have any thoughts on this?  Since my roomie is a writer, I will be starting with some covers for her books, a couple of joint ventures as well and then perhaps on to other friends who are also writers.  From there - Travel brochures!  Gee, I might have to go places to do my own photography for them, what a deal that could be!

    Well friends, that's about it for now.  I hope you are all well and will continue to follow along with my blog and my adventures.  Remember to always be kind to others, be more tolerant of differences and treasure all that you have in your life.  The world is an amazing place with many different perspectives.  If you don't care for one, find another, look for the good points in all things and beings.  That is your challenge for this week.  Hugs and prayers to you and yours...

1 comment:

  1. Hello,i just came across on here and really love,i had just smiled reading your blog and i am happy for your success..Keep it up and i am glad to following your Blog..KInd regards...Krisine of Japan..
