Sizzling Sunrise

Sizzling Sunrise
As the Valley awakens to a bright new morning...

Monday, February 27, 2012

Acts of Kindness

Hello friends, I would like to take a moment to discuss "Acts of Kindness". It seems to me that there are just too many "sour-pusses" in our world today. Is being nice to people a thing of the past? Is a simple smile too difficult to muster? I understand that people are busy trying to make a life, jobs are scarce, money is tight, things are tough all over but you know what? ~ Being nice to people is FREE, takes very little effort, is totally painless and so desperately needed these days.

Would it really hurt you to smile at a stranger? That might be the only time anybody has smiled at them in ages! Maybe holding a door open for someone, telling someone hello, offering to help a person and asking nothing in return?!?!?! Manners have become a rare condition, ethics, morals, most have gone right out the window!!! I would like to challenge each of you to do just ONE random act of kindness every day for one month ~ Careful, you may actually enjoy it! It can make such a huge difference to somebody, it may even save a life. Wouldn't the world be better with more kindness and less anger? Please accept this challenge and then post a comment and tell us about how it made you feel. Hugs to you...

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Leaping thoughts on Leap Year

As I sit and look at the calendar, it occurs to me that this is a Leap Year! Sounds like a good enough reason to Leap for Joy and count an extra day of blessings. Depending on what part of the world you live in, this seems to be the "Winter that wasn't" ~ I mean, where the heck is our normal snowfall in the northern states of the USA? I think it all went over to Europe and maybe I should mention that Alaska got more than they needed too.

I love the snow so long as I don't have to shovel it or work in it. It can be so inspiring as I watch it fall from the sky. The last couple of snow falls we had were from a BLUE sky, it was so amazing and fluffy looking. It seems to prompt memories, poetry, thoughts of froliking, and a desire to make a nice pot of fresh soup! Such wonderful and happy thoughts.

Spring is just around the corner ~ Flowers, greenery, baby animals and lots more warm & sunny days. My camera will beg for more outings, search for natures finest color, and lead me to more amazing opportunities to share the beauty of nature. I want to explore new places, capture more memories to share, and laugh more often. I want to make more friends, meet someone special, share more incredible things that I discover as I walk along life's path.

How many new things will YOU learn this year? Will you take classes, read books, study nature, apprentice, or just sit there and waste time? Challenge yourself to learn something new, chase a dream, learn a new skill, take-up a hobby. Life is too short to just coast along, make everyday matter, make it count, do something silly, be brave - try something bold, brave, exciting!! Live, Laugh & Love like you mean it!!!!!!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Playing "Catch Up"...

Well friends (if there's any left), it looks like I really dropped the ball on this one. Please accept my apologies for not writing/updating in such a very long time!!! So much has happened in my life since I last posted, both good and bad. I have been on quite the rollercoaster physically and emotionally, health issues, art issues, financial issues ~ LIFE happens!

I have been trying to expand my photography skills and knowledge. Learn how to best market my work, displays, techniques, frames, posters, etc... I'm working toward a nice exhibition of my work on a particular website for a fancy Home Decor store in Colorado. With any amount of luck, some of the canvas' will sell and create some income to create more and build things up for a greater showing.

I also created a 2012 calendar of my photography that has been successful! That came out in November 2011. Then Christmas happened... My health took a bad turn downward and I was basically on "Death Row". I had to do something quickly if I wanted to continue to live!!! I did some deep research, took serious/drastic action and am on my way to recovery now.

My inspiration for living is my 3 son's and all of my many, many grandchildren. They inspire me every day in one way or another. I have found many new Photography friends on Facebook as well and they also inspire me with their work and kind words to me. My friends that I've had for many years are also the glue that holds me together most days. I am so very blessed with amazing friends and I treasure each one of them!!!

Fall has passed, Winter is present and Spring is on the way... I will share some new photo's here with you but you can also see my work by visiting: Be sure to click on the "LIKE" button. When I post new stuff you will be told about it and can share in the beauty of the world as I find and share it. I derive such pleasure from sharing my passion for photography. Nature and all it's splendor is what drives my THOUGHTS AND INSPIRATIONS. What drives yours?

Until next time friends ~ Take care, think positive, and share a kindness...